Last change: 18 march 96 A new version of Convert for Windows is here available. There was added the Siemens UDX file and some other minor changes. I am intending to add other file formats (I am thinking at Philips RD file and Siemens RAW file) if the description will be available. Any observation and remarks will be acknowledged. Many thanks to: Lachlan Cranswick, CSIRO Danut Dragoi, Denver University --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996, February The version Convert 2.0d uploaded at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are for files: -the program itself -a Windows DLL routine -two DLLs convert.txt -this file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERT 2.0d This program can (sometimes..!) convert some ASCII data files. It was intended to use in X-ray diffraction area (Rietveld analysis or so..) for converting the data files. There are a lot of programs dealing with data analysis, fitting profile, Rietveld analysis,... and almost each program has a different way of reading data (many of them written in Fortran and asking a "rigid" data file). Sometimes, a user work with different programs and he needs to convert his data file into various others (somebody told me :"Who hasn't a data converting program ?"). So, this program will try to convert such data files.... There are also few programs dealing with that too (I found that AFTER I started to write this program....) This program is free for noncommercial use. Anyway I ask to send me a letter by e-mail or better by snail-mail if you are using this program (I want to see if it's worth or not to develop this software). This program is written in Visual Basic 3.0 (you will need a vbrun300.dll, cmdialog.vbx and comdlg.dll in the windows/system directory; sometimes there are already there so don't waste your time to load them again). It is the user's duty to choose the input format - and the output of course. This program can convert with/without the header lines (I choose this way because it may be useful to other users -dealing or not with X ray diffraction). It reads : -BIGDIFF data file and convert to fixed step data file (the interpolation scheme is correct as long as the difference between the 'real' 2theta and programed one is smaller than the step...) (without header) -DBWS for PC (with/without header) -WPPF/Profit (with/without header) -standard Ascii column format (x, y or y free format) -Scintag (without header) -Philips UDF (with/without header) -XND -GSAS (esd or std, with/without header) -Xpas, Riet. and possibly other (someone told me that the Siemens ascii file can be converted deleting the definition lines as a DBWS file, try it.) You could apply some factors to the data depending with x, y or esd ; a factor depending with x could apply to y. Look in the help explanation about that factor. Anyway it must written as: a_factor*x^another_factor and it is an ADD factor . Don't write -x or something like that... Write -1x or -1*x. (It seems to be rather difficult but I made a routine trying to convert such an expression to a number...,I would change that sometime) If it is needed you will be asked for starting two theta, step...and so on. How many lines can you use ? As many as your computer can store ! It may work slow because but that is... Anyway , the author does not assume any responsability .... For help or errors (I'm sure that there are few errors but I couldn't find them...) or comments please feel free to contact me: N. DRAGOE University of Bucharest Faculty of Chemistry Blvd. CAROL I, #13, Bucharest ROMANIA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------