Compiling V and applications using Cygwin g++ B20 Main feature of the Cygwin support for the V library is the fact that it may be built for both X and Windows GUI targets. NOTE: To use the X version you will have to download precompiled library and header files of X11R6.4 from Cygwin32 Porting Project's homepage at, which is also the official supporter and a X windows server for your Win32 machine, i.e. X-Win32 from ******* TO REBUILD THE V LIBRARY (X and WINDOWS) FOR CYGWIN32 ******* 1) To extract the compressed v-1.21.tar.gz archive you will have to do the following within your bash shell: gunzip v-1.21.tar.gz tar xf v-1.21.tar Now you will have the V distribution within the subdirectory /v. 2) Make sure these directories exist, or do mkdir: v/bin/gnuwin32x v/bin/gnuwin32 v/lib/gnuwin32x v/lib/gnuwin32 v/obj/gnuwin32x v/obj/gnuwin32 If you unpack correctly, they should be there. 3) Making the X version: Copy /v/Configs/ to /v/, and edit it as follows: - set HOMEV to the home directory of your V distribution - set X11RV = X11R6.4 (if using our recommended X11 libraries) now you may type "make" and build the library and some example applications. Please report any difficulties with this process to 4) Making the Windows GUI version: Copy /v/Configs/ to /v/ and edit that file as follows: - set HOMEV to the home directory of your V distribution cd to each of these directories and run "make" for each of the following. (Don't use the top level Makefile in /v since this is used to build the X version). srcwin (required) appgen (useful - see documentation) iconed (useful - especially for icons) icons (shows predefined V icons you can use) test (tests V lib - not usually needed) bmp2vbm (not needed, functionality now included in iconed) draw (example only) drawex (example only) examp (example only) texted (example only) tutor (example only) vide (very useful IDE for cygwin32!) 5) If you want to build OpenGL applications with cygwin32, the header files are located at gnuwin32/include. 6) You MUST be sure you have only the Cygwin B20.1 distribution. You can't mix with mingw32 distributions. It is especially important that the PATH does not have any references to the mingw32 compiler. One symptom is getting the "can't find cpp" message. You must set the PATH in your autoexec.bat (Win9x) or NT environment (Control Panel->System->Environment) to the proper Cygwin place. This can be found in the cygnus.bat file, usually found at c:\cygnus\cygwin~1\cygnus.bat. You must be sure to reboot your system after fixing the path. 7) I haven't confirmed this for sure, but it seems that the V IDE must be built with Cygwin to work properly with the Cygwin environment. Versions built with other compilers seem to generate the "Can't find cpp" message when trying to compile. This may be a function of how your environment is set up. 8) You must replace /gnuwin32/include/commctrl.h. In V 1.21 and before, commctrl.h was a big file. The new version follows the new egcs policy of everything in . ******* TO COMPILE YOUR OWN APPLICATIONS Now that you have a working version of V built (and probably installed on the cygwin\bin directory path), it is fairly easy to use and include the V library. The main thing is to include the required -l switches to g++ to load the proper libraries. Use: g++ $(YOUROBJECTS) -s -e _mainCRTStartup -lV -lcomctl32 -mwindows All the libraries needed for Windows are automatically included with the option -mwindows (you may need to add -lcomctl32). If you want to avoid using the Cygwin DLL, you can also add the -no-cygwin switch, and link to the mingw32 libraries. See the Cygwin documentation for more info. Also check out Mumit Kahn's info at: A similar model line for using the X version of the V library is: g++ $(YOUROBJECTS) -s -e _mainCRTStartup -L/usr/X11R6.4/lib -lV -lXaw \ -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lICE -lSM If you want to add icon resources, see the example vgen.rc file in the /v/appgen directory. You can replace the .ico file with whatever icon you want. You then need to add a dependency in your Makefile to compile the .rc file with windres, and include the resulting output file on the link line. The Makefile for vgen in /v/appgen includes an example of how to do this.