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Why PowBase ?


Current list of entries :Powder Patterns Database

Search by keyword(s) (case insensitive) in the following categories :
  • Formula (ex: AlF3...) ; Author name, possibly several ; Year
  • Word in the title (ex: initio, synchrotron, neutron...)
  • Journal name, complete or partial (ex: Acta, Cryst, Solid, Nature, ...)
  • Word in the comment (ex: broadening, NIST, Fullprof, 3D, mineral...)
The search output produces entry numbers with hyperlink to the raw data (zipped files), the formula, wavelength, a comment, and a reference with email address. Some pertinent hyperlinks may be added, and also a VRML 3D view, sometimes.

PowBase is a "minimum database" of constant wavelength powder patterns. The data files (zipped) contain either a CIF file or a .dat file (the latter can be viewed by WinPLOTR, option INSTRM=0).

See the whole database (raw file called by the PERL search engine).
How to build a simple database like this (in french).
If you want to mirror PowBase, let me know.

Copyleft © 1999, 2000 - Armel Le Bail