Building Tcl/Tk 8.2.3 + BLT, BWidget, Tix and dp packages for LINUX
This page contains my notes on building Tcl/Tk and the packages we commonly
use for Tcl/Tk at the NIST Center for Neutron Research. I did this on an i586
Red Hat Linux release 6.0 machine using egcs-1.1.2.
1. Files to Download
I downloaded the following:
2. Build and Install Tcl/Tk
Note there are three paths referred to below:
- the location where the above files are downloaded.
(/net/jazz/usr/user5/linux for this example).
I needed ~8 Mb of temporary storage for this.
- the location where source files will be placed during the build
(/usr/tmp/tcltk823 for this example).
I needed will ~50 Mb of temporary storage for this.
- the location where the files will be installed, which is determined
by the --prefix qualifier on the ./configure script.
Note that the same value for --prefix should be used
on all of the ./configure commands
so that the packages are installed in the same tree. Do not use the defaults,
which differ between packages.
systems, I typically use --prefix=/usr so that the Tcl/Tk files
overwrite the ones installed with the LINUX distribution, but with an SGI
or other computer, I don't like to modify system directories so I tend
to use --prefix=/usr/local. If you don't have root access, you
can install in some other location, for example, --prefix=/home/mytcltk.
I needed ~11 Mb of permanent storage for these files.
2.1 Tcl/Tk
mkdir /usr/tmp/tcltk823
cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/tcl8.2.3.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd tcl8.2.3/unix/
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/tk8.2.3.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd tk8.2.3/unix/
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
2.2 BLT
Note that the package index file created by BLT never seems to work
correctly (it does not reference the routines in the bltGraph.tcl file).
I overwrite the file in the last installation file. This may have changed
in more recent versions. You should check before you make this patch.
cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/BLT2.4o.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd blt2.4o/
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared
make install
cp /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/BLT2.4_pkgIndex.tcl /usr/lib/blt2.4/pkgIndex.tcl
2.3 Tix
Note that the patch is probably not needed with a more recent version of
Tix than 4.1.0.
cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/Tix4.1.0.007.tar.gz | tar xvf -
ln -s tcl8.2.3 tcl8.2
ln -s tk8.2.3 tk8.2
cd Tix4.1.0.007
patch -p4 < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/Tix4.1.0.007_tcltk82_patch
cd unix
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared
cd tk8.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared
cd ..
make install
2.4 BWidget
Note that the BWidget package is pure Tcl/Tk and does not need to be compiled.
cd /usr/lib/
gunzip < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/BWidget-1.2.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
2.5 dp
The dp package is used at the NCNR for scripts that use RPC communication
(xpeek). This is probably of little value to most people.
cd /usr/tmp/tcltk823
gunzip < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/dp40b2-src.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd tcl-dp
patch -p4 < /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/dp40_tcl82patches
cd unix
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --with-tcl=/usr/tmp/tcltk823/tcl8.2.3/unix
mkdir /usr/lib/dp4.0
cp ../library/* /usr/lib/dp4.0/
cp /net/jazz/usr/user5/linux/dp4.0_pkgIndex.tcl /usr/lib/dp4.0/
3.0 Select as default version
If you want these versions of Tcl/Tk to be used by default execute the first
two link commands. The latter two commands are wise because too many people
assume the Tcl is installed in /usr/local rather than /usr.
ln -sf wish8.2 /usr/bin/wish
ln -sf tclsh8.2 /usr/bin/tclsh
ln -sf /usr/bin/wish /usr/local/bin/wish
ln -sf /usr/bin/tclsh /usr/local/bin/tclsh
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