List of
mineral end-members
A list of the mineral end-member
names and the THERMOCALC abbreviations follows. The full
compositions and formulae are available in a file in the downloadable
direct ftp.
Ortho & Ring Silicates
forsterite fo
fayalite fa
tephroite teph
larnite-bredigite lrn
monticellite mont
clinohumite chum
pyrope py
almandine alm
spessartine spss
grossular gr
andradite andr
osumilite(1) osm1
osumilite(2) osm2
Fe-osumilite fosm
vesuvianite vsv
andalusite and
kyanite ky
sillimanite sill
hydroxy-topaz tpz
Mg-staurolite mst
Fe-staurolite fst
Mn-staurolite mnst
Mg-chloritoid mctd
Fe-chloritoid fctd
Mn-chloritoid mnctd
merwinite merw
spurrite spu
zoisite zo
clinozoisite cz
Fe-epidote fep
epidote ep
lawsonite law
pumpellyite pump
gehlenite geh
akermanite ak
rankinite rnk
tilleyite ty
cordierite crd
hydrous cordierite hcrd
Fe-cordierite fcrd
Mn-cordierite mncrd
phase A phA
sphene sph
zircon zrc
Chain Silicates
enstatite en
ferrosilite fs
Mg-Tschermak pyroxene mgts
diopside di
hedenbergite hed
jadeite jd
acmite acm
Ca-Tschermak pyroxene cats
rhodonite rhod
pyroxmangite pxmn
wollastonite wo
pseudowollastonite pswo
tremolite tr
ferroactinolite fact
tschermakite ts
pargasite parg
glaucophane gl
Fe-glaucophane fgl
riebeckite rieb
anthophyllite anth
Fe-anthophyllite fanth
cummingtonite cumm
grunerite grun
gedrite ged
sapphirine (442) spr4
sapphirine (793) spr7
Fe-sapphirine fspr
Mg-carpholite mcar
Fe-carpholite fcar
deerite deer
Sheet Silicates
muscovite mu
celadonite cel
Fe-celadonite fcel
paragonite pa
margarite ma
phlogopite phl
annite ann
Mn-biotite mnbi
eastonite east
Na-phlogopite naph
clinochlore clin
amesite ames
Al-free chlorite afchl
daphnite daph
Mn-chlorite mnchl
sudoite sud
Fe-sudoite fsud
pyrophyllite prl
talc ta
Fe-talc fta
tschermak-talc tats
kaolinite kao
prehnite pre
chrysotile chr
antigorite atg
Framework Silicates
albite ab
high albite abh
microcline mic
sanidine san
anorthite an
quartz q
tridymite trd
cristobalite crst
coesite coe
stishovite stv
nepheline ne
kalsilite kals
leucite lc
meionite me
wairakite wrk
laumontite lmt
heulandite heu
stilbite stlb
analcite anl
Oxides & hydroxides
lime lime
rutile ru
periclase per
manganosite mang
corundum cor
hematite hem
nickel oxide NiO
pyrophanite pnt
geikielite geik
ilmenite ilm
baddeleyite bdy
spinel sp
hercynite herc
magnetite mt
magnesioferrite mft
ulvospinel usp
brucite br
diaspore dsp
goethite gth
calcite cc
aragonite arag
magnesite mag
siderite sid
rhodochrosite rhc
dolomite dol
ankerite ank
Elements & gases
iron iron
nickel Ni
graphite gph
diamond diam
water fluid H2O
carbon dioxide CO2
carbon monoxide CO
methane CH4
oxygen O2
hydrogen H2
Melt species
forsterite liquid foL
fayalite liquid faL
sillimanite liquid silL
anorthite liquid anL
H2O liquid h2oL
enstatite liquid enL
K-feldspar liquid kspL
Silica liquid qL
diopside liquid diL
albite liquid abL
Mg-pelitic liquid mliq
Fe-pelitic liquid fliq
H2O pelitic liquid hliq
Aqueous species
hydrogen ion (aq) H+
chloride ion (aq) Cl-
hydroxyl ion (aq) OH-
sodium ion (aq) Na+
potassium ion (aq) K+
calcium ion (aq) Ca++
magnesium ion (aq) Mg++
ferrous ion (aq) Fe++
aluminium ion (aq) Al+++
carbonate ion (aq) CO3--
Al(OH)3° (aq) AlOH3
Al(OH)4- ion (aq) AlOH4-
KOH° (aq) KOH
HCl° (aq) HCl
KCl° (aq) KCl
NaCl° (aq) NaCl
CaCl2° (aq) CaCl2
CaCl+ ion (aq) CaCl+
MgCl2° (aq) MgCl2
MgCl+ ion (aq) MgCl+
FeCl2° (aq) FeCl2
aqueous silica aqSi