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Crystallography Laboratory University of Nijmegen
René 's list of Publications
- On the Construction of Karle-Hauptman Matrices.
R. de Gelder, R.A.G. de Graaff, and H. Schenk.
Acta Crystallografica A46 (1990), 688-692.
- Karle-Hauptman Matrices and the Phase Problem in Single-Crystal
X-ray Diffraction.
R. de Gelder.
Thesis (1992). University of Leyden. The Netherlands.
Automatic Determination of Crystal Structures using Karle-Hauptman
R. de Gelder, R.A.G. de Graaff, and H. Schenk.
Acta Crystallografica A49 (1993), 287-293.
- Symmetry and the Generalized Maximum Determinant Rule.
R. de Gelder, M.O. Elout, R.A.G. de Graaff, and H. Schenk.
Zeitschrift für Kristallografie 207 (1993), 237-243.
- The Vitamin D2 story.
I. Leban, R.A.G. de Graaff, R. de Gelder, J. Turkenburg,
K.S. Wilson, and Z. Dauter.
In: The Collected Works of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. Volume-III.
General Crystallography and Essays. Editors: G.G. Dodson, J.P. Glusker,
S. Ramaseshan, K. Venkatesan. 1994 Interline Publishing Pvt. Ltd.,
- The DIRDIF scaling procedures; rescaling for structures showing
superstructure effects.
R. Israël, C. Smykalla, R. de Gelder, and P.T. Beurskens.
Zeitschrift für Kristallografie 210 (1995), 909-919.
- Direct Methods for Incommensurately Modulated Structures.
On the Applicability of Normalized Structure Factors.
R. de Gelder, R. Israël, E.J.W. Lam, P.T. Beurskens, S. van Smaalen,
Fu Zheng-Qing, and Fan Hai-Fu.
Acta Crystallographica A52 (1996), 947-954.
- Clathrate Type Complexation of Cephalosporins with Beta-naphtol.
G.J. Kemperman, R. de Gelder, F.J. Dommerholt, P.C. Raemakers-Franken, A.J.H. Klunder, and B. Zwanenburg.
Chemistry, a European Journal 5 (1999), 2163-2168.
- Elucidation of the Structure of Solanoeclepin A, a Natural Hatching
Factor of Potato and Tomato Cyst Nematodes by Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction.
H. Schenk, R.A.J. Driessen, R. de Gelder, K. Goubitz, H. Nieboer,
I.E.M. Brüggemann-Rotgans, and P. Diepenhorst.
Croatica Chemica Acta (1999) Vol. 72, No. 2-3, 593-606.
- Structural Analogy between Beta'Triacylglycerols and n-alkanes.
Towards the crystal structure of beta'-2p.p+2.p triacylglycerols.
C.J. van de Streek, P. Verwer, R. de Gelder, and F. Hollander.
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1999), 76, 1333-1341.
- Molecular Challenges in Modern Chemometrics.
R. Wehrens, R. de Gelder, G.J. Kemperman, B. Zwanenburg, and L.M.C. Buydens.
Analytica Chimica Acta (1999), 400, 413-424.
- New evidence for beta '-2 p.p+2.p triacylglycerol crystal structure.
C.J. van de Streek, P. Verwer, R. de Gelder, and F. Hollander.
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2000), 77, 215-216.
- Induced Fit Phenomena in Clathrate Structures of Cephalosporins.
G.J. Kemperman, R. de Gelder, F.J. Dommerholt, P.C. Raemakers-Franken, A.J.H. Klunder, and B. Zwanenburg.
Perkin Transactions 2 (2000), accepted for publication.
- Direct Determination of Molecular Constants from Rovibronic Spectra with
Genetic Algorithms.
J.A. Hageman, R. Wehrens, R. de Gelder, W.L. Meerts, L.M.C. Buydens.
Journal of Chemical Physics (2000), accepted for publication.
- Efficiency and Thermodynamics of Cephalosporin Complexation.
G.J. Kemperman, R. de Gelder, F.J. Dommerholt, P.C. Raemakers-Franken, A.J.H. Klunder, and B. Zwanenburg.
To be submitted to Perkin Transactions 2.
- A Generalized Expression for the Similarity of Powder Diffraction Patterns.
R. de Gelder, R. Wehrens and J.A. Hageman.
To be submitted to the Journal of Computational Chemistry.
- The disagreement factor R2 as a selection criterion in Patterson interpretation procedures, and R2-driven recycling strategies in structure expansion by phase refinement and Fourier techniques.
P.T. Beurskens, R. Israel, R. de Gelder, G. Beurskens, and R.A.G. de Graaff.
To be submitted to the Journal of Applied Crystallography.
- Creating Cavities, Layers and Channels in Hosting Frameworks of Cephalosporin Antibiotics.
G.J. Kemperman, R. de Gelder, F.J. Dommerholt, P.C. Raemakers-Franken, A.J.H. Klunder, and B. Zwanenburg.
In preparation.