Garlic Commands

garlic, free molecular visualization program, protein structure, DNA structure, PDB, molecular rendering, biological macromolecule, unix, linux, free software download, open source software, unofficial release, Damir Zucic.
The image in the main window is controled by CONTROLS and by COMMANDS. This page contains the list of garlic commands.

Garlic commands are strings, consisting of one or more words. A command is executed when you press the RETURN key (this key is labeled ENTER on some keyboards). Note that ENTER key on the numeric keypad (the one in the bottom right corner of your keyboard) is NOT the right key! Commands will be displayed in the area called "input window".

Input window is placed at the bottom of the main garlic window, left justified. You don't have to the click into this area to enter the command string - just type it. The input window is capable to display a single error message (top) and a single command (bottom).

You can access previously executed commands by using arrow keys on your keyboard (the UP arrow scans the history buffer backwards and DOWN arrow in the opposite direction).

This page contains the alphabetic list of garlic commands with a short description and with link to detailed description.

Commands are generally case insensitive, but file names are case sensitive because unix (linux) is case sensitive.

ADD ADD Expand current selection
ATO ATOMS Change atom drawing style
BAC BACKBONE Draw backbone
BG BACKGROUND Change main window background color
BON BONDS Change bond drawing style
CAT CATCH Catch the specified structure
CEN CENTER Change the internal coordinate system origin
COL COLOR Set color
DIS DISCARD Discard macromolecular complex
EXE EXECUTE Execute garlic script
EXI EXIT Quit garlic session
EXP EXPAND The same as ADD
FAD FADING Change color fading style or parameter(s)
FG FOREGROUND Change main window foreground color
FON FONT Change font
HID HIDE Hide selected atoms
HYB HYBONDS Generate hydrogen bonds
IGN IGNORE Ignore (this command does nothing)
LAB LABELS Show labels
LOA LOAD Load the specified file
LOG LOG Write commands to log file
MON MONO Switch to mono mode
PAU PAUSE Pause execution (useful in scripts)
POS POSITION Move structure to specified position
QUI QUIT The same as exit
REA READ The same as LOAD
REG REGISTER Register garlic
RES RESTRICT Restrict current selection
ROT ROTATE Rotate structure
SAV SAVE Save atomic data to file
SEL SELECT Select atoms
SHO SHOW Show selected atoms
SLA SLAB Change slab style or parameter(s)
STE STEREO Switch to stereo mode
TAG TAG Assign tag (short text) to structure
TAK TAKE The same as CATCH
TBG TEXT_BACKGROUND Change text background color
TFG TEXT_FOREGROUND Check text foreground color
TIT TITLE Add title to the main window
TRA TRANSLATE Translate structure