TIT, TITLE - add, move or remove the specified title.
TIT identifier OFF
TIT identifier screen_x screen_y
TIT identifier screen_x screen_y "title_string"
TITLE identifier OFF
TITLE identifier screen_x screen_y
TITLE identifier screen_x screen_y "title_string"
The keyword TITLE may be used to add, move or remove the title to or from the
main window. Up to 100 titles may be added to the main window, to explain the
content. The title position may be specified through screen_x and screen_y.
Each title has the unique identifier. The identifier is a number between
0 and 99 (these two values are allowed too). The title string should be
included into quotes.
tit 8 50 50 "This is porin"
Add the title number 8 to the main window,
close to the top left corner
tit 8 100 400
Move the title number 8 to a new position
tit 8 off
Remove (hide) the title number 8
The command LABELS assigns labels to selected atoms. TAG assigns the
specified tag to a structure. Both labels and tag move along with the
structure. Note that tag is assigned to the structure, labels to atoms
and title is assigned to the main window.