What use is WinTek! ? |
Creating a new dataset | Select "Edit --> Create new dataset..." A blank window will open. Enter dip direction and dip on one line, separated by a comma. Enter a "*" after the last entry. Example: 210,45 188,10 012,03 * Then use "File -> Save and take data" from the editor window's menu! |
Display a dataset | Choose one of the toolbar options: displays a contour diagram of the dataset displays a rose diagram of the dataset displays a great circle diagram of the dataset displays a pole point diagram of the dataset Or choose an option from the "Diagrams" pull-down menu! |
Change a symbol | Click on the symbol (not on the filename!) displayed in the upper right corner of the screen! A dialog box will open that allows adjustment of symbol size, roation, fill color, pen color or lets you change a different symbol. |