Mondo Rescue and Mindi Linux HOWTO


Chapter 5. Installation


5.2. Mondo

5.2.1. TGZ

If you are installing from a tarball then copy it to wherever you have enough space, for example /tmp and type:

bash# cd /tmp
bash# tar -zxvf mondo-1.xx.tgz
bash# cd mondo-1.xx
bash# make && make install

This installs mondo into /usr/local/share/mondo and installs links to the programs into /usr/local/bin

5.2.2. RPM

Or, if you are installing from an RPM then copy it to copy it to wherever you have enough space, for example /tmp and type:

bash# rpm -Uvh /tmp/mondo-1.5x-x.i386.rpm 

This installs mondo into /usr/share/mondo and installs links to the programs into /usr/bin

5.2.3. DEB

Debian users may wish to first create a .deb file and then use the debian package manager:

bash# cd /tmp
bash# alien mondo*.rpm
bash# dpkg -i mondo*.deb

This installs mondo into /usr/share/mondo and installs links to the programs into /usr/bin






Testing Mindi