The saved output from the Plot Profile function of ImageJ contains values from 0 to whatever you selected as the end of the ROI. Here I've called the saved data up using Notepad (any word processor will do - just be certain to save it as an ASCII text file!) and deleted everything below 5.00 and above 74.00. This makes the two-theta range of the diffraction pattern 5-74 degrees.

There are still two problems with this data file:

1) the Y (intensity) values are incompatible with most diffraction software that is used to seeing thousands of counts/second

2) The X value intervals are non-uniform

wpe11.jpg (61547 bytes)

Import the trimmed data into any curve viewer with a math function (Curve Viewer is available from Gerald Leatherman) as illustrated below.

wpe12.jpg (101314 bytes)

Add a value so that the function does not contain any 0 values (in this example 1) and then multiply by a reasonable factor (shown here 1000X).

wpe13.jpg (100876 bytes)

This converts the data values to sums more readily understandable to diffraction programs as shown below

wpe14.jpg (100669 bytes)

Since we have artificially introduced a large background, use the subtract function to remove most of it.

wpe15.jpg (100704 bytes)

Save the converted file. The values are now comparable to diffraction databases as illustrated below

wpe16.jpg (133749 bytes)


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