Moilin Version-X Display Mode

In stand alone mode Moilin is very easy to use. Molecules are displayed using OpenGL graphics,  can be optimised and examined using Tinker, Mopac, Gamess or Iconc all with excellent hard copy.

Moilin Build Dialog

Molecule building is very easy, you can use the library or start with a blank screen select an atom geometry and elaborate by clicking one of the H atoms.

Moilin tutorials are available.

Moilin Examples

Modelling using Tinker
    Anneal Movie

    5 Water Molecule Dynamics

Modelling using Mopac (Included in Moilin download)
    Pictures of Molecular Orbitals


Moilin Version-9 Display Mode

Version 9 has a simpler display and some functions such as molecular fitting and moving molecules relative to one another.
