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SCI-BYTES What's New in Research:
September 1, 2003

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Hot Paper in Chemistry

"Single-crystal structure validation with the program PLATON," by A.L. Spek, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 36(1): 7-13, February 2003.

[Author's affiliation: Utrecht University, The Netherlands]

Abstract: "The results of a single-crystal structure determination when in CIF format can now be validated routinely by automatic procedures. In this way, many errors in published papers can be avoided. The validation software generates a set of ALERTS detailing issues to be addressed by the experimenter, author, referee and publication journal. Validation was pioneered by the IUCr journal Acta Crystallographica Section C and is currently standard procedure for structures submitted for publication in all IUCr journals. The implementation of validation procedures by other journals is in progress. This paper describes the concepts of validation and the classes of checks that are carried out by the program PLATON as part of the IUCr checkCIF facility. PLATON validation can be run at any stage of the structure refinement, independent of the structure determination package used, and is recommended for use as a routine tool during or at least at the completion of every structure determination. Two examples are discussed where proper validation procedures could have avoided the publication of incorrect structures that had serious consequences for the chemistry involved."

This early-2003 report from the Journal of Applied Crystallography was cited 42 times in current journal
articles indexed by Thomson ISI during May-June 2003. No other chemistry paper published in the last
two years, aside from reviews, collected more citations during that two-month period. Prior to the most
recent bimonthly count, citations to the paper have accrued as follows:

March-April 2003: 18 citations
January-February 2003: 11

Total citations to date: 71

SOURCE: Hot Papers Database (Included with a subscription to the ISI print newsletter Science Watch®, available from the ISI Research Services Group. Packaged on a CD-ROM that is mailed with each Science Watch issue, the Hot Papers Database contains data on hundreds of highly cited papers published during the last two years. User interface permits searching by author, organization, journal, field, and more. Total citations, as well as citations accrued during successive bimonthly periods, can be assessed and graphed. An updated CD containing the most recent bimonthly data is mailed with every new issue of Science Watch, six times a year. The CD also includes an electronic version of the Science Watch issue in HTML format, for personal desktop access.)

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