VTX Crystallography Lab @ Virginia Tech

Crystallography Lab
Structure services
Rough Guide To Crystallography

Lab safety
Directions to Lab

Installation of the Xcalibur-2
Days 7&8

Customer training
(Day 6 was Sunday - our day of rest after the work of the first week)

Customer Training: Geno, Carla and Ross face the information overload!
Transfer tube
Meanwhile, a new CCD detector was installed on our Xcalibur-1 system for high-pressure diffraction studies. The dual detector arm, with both point detector and CCD camera, will allow us to compare the use of both systems for high-pressure studies.
Protein data
The installation was completed by collecting diffracton data at 100K from a crystal of lysozyme grown by Chris Dana of the Biology Department at Virginia Tech. These tests showed that even equipped with a Mo radiation source the Xcalibur-2 diffractometer can be used to screen protein crystals prior to data collection on instruments optimised for such work.