Description: readbin is a collection of routines for reading binary files in FORTRAN and C. This directory contains the following files: readme.txt This file licence.txt readbin is licenced under the BSD licence readbin.for FORTRAN readbin routines FORTRAN include file used by readbin.for readbinex1.for A FORTRAN example that uses readbin routines readbinex2.for Another FORTRAN example readbin.c C readbin routines readbin.h C header file for the readbin routines readbinex1.c A C example that uses the readbin routines readbinex2.c Another C example Compilation instructions: The FORTRAN files have been compiled successfully with g77 using the following commands: g77 -o readbinex1 readbinex1.for readbin.for g77 -o readbinex2 readbinex2.for readbin.for The C files have been successfully compiled with Visual C++ .NET. UNIX C compilers and gcc should also compile the readbin file without problems using something like the following: gcc -o readbinex1 readbinex1.c readbin.c gcc -o readbinex2 readbinex2.c readbin.c ------ Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2004 Scott A. Belmonte