CNIDR Isearch-cgi 1.20 6 February 1997 Overview -------- Isearch-cgi is a set of utilities that, used in conjunction with CNIDR's Isearch search engine, provides full text and fielded search capability via the World Wide Web. Installation ------------ 1) Install a CGI compliant HTTP server NCSA's latest server is recommended, but any CGI compliant server will suffice. 2) Retrieve, compile and install the latest version of CNIDR Isearch You'll find Isearch in the directory. You MUST successfully compile Isearch before compiling Isearch-cgi. This Makefile will attempt to compile Isearch for you if you haven't already done so. 3) Build the distribution Type 'make'. If all goes well, four binaries should be created in the Isearch-cgi directory: isrch_fetch isrch_srch isrch_html search_form If all doesn't go well, send us mail or post to the Isite mailing list (see below for more information). 7) Install the Isearch-cgi scripts There are three shell scripts, one for each cgi-bin utility, that must be configured and then installed in the cgi-bin directory as well. These scripts are: ifetch isearch ihtml Isearch-cgi includes a script that will produce these files for you. The script's name is "Configure" and it requires a single argument, the path to your databases. After Configure is run, the files it produces can be edited by hand, if needed. Configuration of Isearch-cgi ---------------------------- 1) Build a database Use Iindex to build a sample database. To see the full features of Isearch-cgi, index a small collection of HTML files, preferably a collection that is marked up "well". In other words, use files that have an explicit "title" tag, "body" tag, etc. For this example, we'll build a database called TEST that will reside in the /usr/dbs directory. 'Iindex -d /usr/dbs/TEST -t SGMLTAG /htdocs/*.html' 2) Configure scripts The only configuration required by Isearch-cgi takes place in the Makefile and three scripts: ifetch, isearch and ihtml. Edit those files (or run "Configure") and answer the questions. Operation of Isearch-cgi ------------------------ 1) Create access points to databases Create a base HTML file with the program search_form. It takes two arguments: the path to your databases, and the name of the database this new page should access. The page is printed to standard output, so you may redirect it to a file if you like. search_form /home/databases TEST > form.html There is another, optional argument that indicates to search_form which type of search page you wish to generate. The form types are: -simple -boolean -advanced -html If no type is given to search_form, it will default to -simple Examples: search_form -simple /home/databases TEST > form.html search_form -boolean /home/databases TEST > boolean.html search_form -advanced /home/databases TEST > advanced.html search_form -html /home/databases TEST > htmlform.html 2) Load the form and search away! When you run program search_form as above, it will generate a search page customized for the TEST database. When you load this newly created search form with a Web browser, you can perform fielded and full text queries and retrieve various portions of the resulting documents. The output of search_form is a base search form, so it won't be much to look at. It is highly recommened that you modify the resulting page to suit your own tastes and needs. search_form gives you the options and fields... the design and layout are all in your hands. 3) Customizing to search databases of HTML documents Often, Isearch-cgi is used to index the pages on a web site. When searching, it is often advantageous to have links directly to the actual HTML document instead of using isrch_fetch as a go-between (to preserve the integrity of relative links). It is now possible to have your search results return URLs to the actual documents. Isearch-cgi now automatically checks to see if the document lies within the HTTP document root. The location of the document root is passed to Isearch-cgi through the HTTP server. The isrch_html program is designed to work exclusively with indexes of HTML files. The shell script ihtml created by the Configure script is its associated shell script. Its associated search form, obtained by using "-html" on the command line of the program search_form) calls the ihtml script instead of the more general isearch script. Headlines are returned as anchors to the document's URL. If the documents don't lie within the http server's directory tree (as defined in the DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable), the program tries to provide a link to the document using the ifetch program. It might even work, but it's better to make sure you only use isrch_html with HTML documents available through your server. 4) GET vs. POST methods Both work now, so you can use GET to provide users with canned queries. The URL should look something like this: http://localhost/cgi-bin/isearch?DATABASE=TESTHTML&SEARCH_TYPE=boolean&FIELD_1=FULLTEXT&TERM_1=kevin&ELEMENT_SET=title&MAXHITS=10 More Information ---------------- Join the Isite-l mailing list. To subscribe, send a message to with the body of the message as "subscribe isite-l your name" You can then post messages by sending to You may also send mail to the authors: Archie Warnock Nassib Nassar Tim Gemma Changes ------- Later - see the file CHANGES in the Isearch directory 1.04 - Various small patches to allow building under Windows NT and Win32. New isrch_srch.cxx main program. 1.03.02 - Removed obsolete "path" from Search() call. Now compiles! 1.03.01 - Isearch-cgi gets the http document root from the environment. 1.03 - Renamed to 1.03 distribution. 1.02.07 - Fixed bug that caused errors in "Retrieve Next". 1.02.06 - and tags included to be gentler to some browsers. (Thanks to Archie Warnock) Isrch_srch, isrch_bool, and isrch_adv all merged into isrch_srch. Shell scripts "ibool" and "iadv" removed. The "Configure" script will now produce "isearch" and "ifetch" when the database path name is given as a parameter. Shell scripts "isearch" and "ifetch" now point to the Isearch-cgi directory, where the actual binaries will now reside. The actual binaries (isrch_srch & isrch_fetch) will no longer be copied to the cgi-bin directory. Fixed bug that restricted BOOLEAN search terms to 2 words. 1.02.05 - Isrch_srch, isrch_bool, and isrch_adv all use a shared Search() function now. This facilitates changes to display format. Isrch_bool now parses out each argument in case a term is more than one word. Multiple word queries for a single term are assumed to be "OR" terms. Added new CGI variable: HTTP_PATH - If included in the form, it tells Isearch-cgi to try to provide a link directly to the page, instead of using isrch_fetch. Isrch_fetch now wraps any non-HTML document within

		statements.  It does this to all files whose names do
		not end in ".html".  This makes viewing regular text
		files easier. 
1.02.04 - Tim Gemma takes over distribution and maintenance of
          Fixed 'Retrieve Next #' to display the correct number.
          Changed isrch_form to search_form to differentiate it from the
		actual cgi-bin programs.
          Added ibool and isrch_bool for boolean searching.
          Added iadv and isrch_adv for advanced, INFIX format searching.
          Incorporated cgi.c and httpbox.c into a single cohesive C++
		class, CGIAPP in cgi-util.cxx.
          Boolean search no longer crashes when only 1 term is passed
1.02.03 - Changed all use of the STRING method Print() to operator <<
1.02.02	- Fixed bug in the maximum number of hits code
1.02.01	- Adds new CGI variables:
		START 		- result set record to display first in
					hit list 
		MAXHITS		- max number of result set records to
		ISEARCH_TERM	- Isearch command line tool query syntax
					This is primarily used behind
					the scenes to "fetch the next X