Please note that function list and system requirements refer to the
currently available version 2.1e of Diamond.
32 Bit MS Windows application with Multiple Document Interface (MDI),
object-oriented menus, toolbars and local popup-menus. Allows 'simultaneous'
handling of multiple structures.
Input and Output:
Proprietary binary Diamond Structure File format (DSF) for rapid data access,
including chemical and crystallographic as well as bibliographic data. Saves
your own built-up and designed frameworks of crystal structures.
Number of atoms, bonds, polyhedra etc. limited only by RAM.
Manual input or update of chemical, crystallographic, and bibliographic data.
Search for chemical, crystallographic, or bibliographic data.
Automatic import from data formats:
CRYSTIN download format created by ICSD or CRYSTMET
Cambridge Structural Database FDAT format.
Brookhaven Protein Data Bank format.
SHELX-93 format.
Crystallographic Information File (CIF).
XYZ format (free format with cartesian coordinates).
Export to CIF, SCHAKAL, XYZ and VRML format.
Snapshot of structure picture as high resolution bitmap or Windows metafile for
post-processing (e.g. in a word processor).
Printing of selected datasets or structure pictures. Textual copy of datasets
via Windows clipboard for post-processing.
Filling of unit cell, multiple cells, any cell range, or boxes or spheres
around selected central atoms.
Filling of user-defined rectangular areas within the screen.
Selection of atoms to construct sublattices.
Discussion of connectivity assisted by histograms showing the distribution of
distances between selected atom types, together with automatic calculation and
checking of distance ranges.
Generation of atoms from parameter list serving as initial atoms for building
up complex frameworks.
Completion of coordination spheres around selected atoms.
Automatic generation of molecules or completion of fragments which has been
clipped at cell edges.
User-controlled dismantling of built-up frameworks.
Multiple-step Undo and Redo function to enable safe experimentation with even
high-complicated and unknown structural frameworks.
Ball-and-stick, wire, and space filling model. Central or parallel projection,
depth cueing, and stereo display.
Photorealistic rendered models with user-defined light source and material
properties (OpenGL).
Variation of colors, styles and radii of atom types and bonds. Labelling of
atoms and bonds. User-defined text. Individual design of each single atom is
Generation of coordination polyhedra (optionally with transparent surfaces).
Display of thermal ellipsoids.
Alternative color differentation to visualize oxidation numbers, site
occupation factors etc.
Rotating, shifting, and zooming of structures: numerically, mouse-controlled,
or keyboard-controlled. Definition of views along special axes or toward
special planes.
Calculation of distances and angles. Measuring of distances, angles, and
torsion angles interactively (incl. standard deviations).
System Requirements
Personal computer with MS Windows® 95/98/ME or MS Windows NT® 4.0/2000/XP
Processor: i486, Pentium® or higher
RAM: 16 MByte for Windows 95/98/ME (32 MByte recommended), 32 MByte for Windows
NT/2000/XP (64 MByte recommended)
Minimum graphics resolution of 800x600 / 8-Bit (1024x768 / 16-Bit recommended)
Hard disk with minimum 20 MB free disk space for program and sample files
Microsoft compatible mouse