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Its been a long time in the making... but the pictures are finally up! Talk to Steve if you have any pictures to add, or if you want to remove pictures from the gallery.

Picture Gallery

We are actively looking for photos (and video) of our team. If you have any and would like to help our efforts, please contact our Historian with any photos you'd like to submit. This is a cooprerative effort, and we need your help. Thank you.

Keno Carag, resident filmmaker, has four crew videos, presented for your enjoyment. Higher resolution versions may be coming soon.

Spring Rowing (Banquet Film) - Keno Carag (~13 MB)

Spring Break Training - Keno Carag (~15 MB)

Winter Training - Keno Carag (~11 MB)

Fall Training - Keno Carag (~8 MB)

The films above are in the popular Quicktime format, free to download for Windows