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Collaborative Computational Project Number 14

for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction


Network/Computer Testing Tools and Links for PC and UNIX

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[Commands and Links]

Commands and Links

As part of the 2 day November TCP-IP course presented by Rob Bradshaw of Daresbury laboratory, have been given the job of finding equivalent PC and UNIX commands forexamining the network. (results follow).

Be wary that un-restrained used of the following tools might be considered as attempted probing/hacking/"Denial of Service" attempts on remote networks.

Description PC-DOS/Windows UNIX
Overall Summary Many User-Friendly Windows Utilities are available that can do powerful network analysis via GUI interfaces and be going in a few minutes. To find these tools, check out the relevant shareware/freeware archives under Networking/Internet tools. Getting the corresponding UNIX tools going can take a few hours to a few days.
Test for connected ports and status
In DOS Window - type netstat
GUI Net_Stat for Windows 95 - http://www.jjsoftware.com/
GUI NetScanTools for Windows 95 - http://www.nwpsw.com/nstmain.html
Port Flash - http://www.webroot.com/pflash.htm
/usr/etc/netstat -n | grep ESTABLISHED
(look for Denial of Service type attacks)

/usr/etc/netstat -n -p tcp
(summary of tcp stats)
/usr/etc/netstat -a
(connected ports)

Look at the help file for a full list of tcpdump functionality.

Find route to a computer
In DOS Window - type
tracert www.ccp14.ac.uk

GUI NetScanTools for Windows 95 - http://www.nwpsw.com/nstmain.html
GUI Visualroute for Windows 95 (displays results on a world map) - http://www.visualroute.com/
/usr/etc/traceroute www.ccp14.ac.uk
Test if computer is alive
In DOS Window - type
ping www.ccp14.ac.uk

GUI NetScanTools for Windows 95 - http://www.nwpsw.com/nstmain.html
/usr/etc/ping www.ccp14.ac.uk
Resolve IP address to name and visa-versa
Does not exist as command but available as part of freeware/shareware windows utilities.
GUI NetScanTools for Windows 95 - http://www.nwpsw.com/nstmain.html
Look at invidual packets
From comp.security.misc newsgroup - "NT has a built-in sniffer called Network Monitor"(?) Available for compiling from ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/
When combined with AWK scripts and programs like xgraph and tcpshow (can look at everything including data in a nice format); tdumpweb.pl (corellates TCPdump IP addresses with web server filenames); can so some nifty stuff for interogating what is happening on your network.

/usr/local/sbin/tcpdump -s 1500 -lenx | /usr/local/bin/tcpshow -cooked > doobry.txt
/usr/local/sbin/tcpdump -s 1500 -lenx | /usr/local/bin/tcpshow -cooked -data > doobry2.txt
/usr/local/sbin/tcpdump | grep 150.108.74 | tee doobry.log

/usr/local/sbin/tcpdump | grep 207.134.96 | tee doobry.log

awk -f /usr/local/sbin/stime.awk http120.txt | /usr/local/bin/xgraph
awk -f /usr/local/sbin/stime.awk http4.txt | /usr/local/bin/xgraph

awk -f /usr/local/sbin/stime.awk filename.txt | /usr/local/bin/xgraph

awk -f /usr/local/sbin/stime.awk filename.txt | /usr/local/bin/xgraph

awk -f /usr/local/sbin/stime.awk filename.txt | /usr/local/bin/xgraph

/usr/local/sbin/tcpdump | grep ftp > filename.txt
/usr/local/sbin/tcpdump | grep http >filename.txt

Speed of Network Anyspeed - http://www.pysoft.com/anyspeed_fr.html ???
IP Subnet Calculator IP Subnet Calculator - http://www.net3group.com/download.html-ssi ???

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