- The /etc/exports setting on the webserver
- /web_disc/ccp14/web_area/web_live/people/lachlan/indycam -rw,access=indy.name
- The /usr/etc/portmapper security setting on the webserver to limit hacker portmapper/mountd/rpc probes
(As run on initialisation in /etc/init.d/network. Do a "man portmap".
This can be reconfigured and restarted without rebooting using
Wietse Venema's portmapper utilties)
-a,indy-ip-address (single machine)
- Then using Wietse Venema's portmapper program do the following sequence of commands to be able to restart
the "IRIX" portmapper without having to reboot the machine.
./pmap_dump > table
killall portmap
/usr/etc/portmap `cat /etc/config/portmap.options`
./pmap_set < table
- Also do a man ipfilterd
- In the above export, the /etc/mtab setting on the local Indy client are:
webserver.ccp14.ac.uk:/web_disc/ccp14/web_area/web_live/people/lachlan/indycam /indydirectory/indycam nfs vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=c0001 0 0