Fundamental Parameters for Rietveld, Peak Fitting and Powder Diffraction
Click here to see diagrams on
the Effects of Specimen and Instrument on Powder X-ray Diffraction Peak Profile
(From the XFIT.DOC manual for XFIT/Koalariet by Coelho and Cheary)
Click here
[BGMN site |
CCP14 Automirror]
to see plots on total peak profiles modelled using the
fundamental parameters approach, Philips Bragg Bretano (IUCr CPD Round Robin PbSO4);
thin film with non-infinite thickness; transmission; and capilliary showing
splitting of peaks at low angle due to high linear absorption
(From the BGMN site - J. Bergmann,
Information on the effects of tube tails on the Fundamental Parameters method: |
UK Mirror] |
Canadian Mirror] |
Australian Mirror]
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Real |
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CCP14 Mirror
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